We asked one of our top-performing home consultants, Tamara, why?
We pre-engineer and build our highly insulated walls at our in-house plant. We increase production during peak times so we can produce more homes!

Ask around…you will see for yourself, the build times are anywhere from 2-4 years away, it’s crazy. Clients come to me and assume we are the same and when I tell them we are not, they are floored…… Now that Covid 19 is under control and the vaccines have been administered, we are seeing a huge demand for people to start building their dreams again.
Our own production facility
We pre-engineer and build our highly insulated walls at our in-house plant. We increase production during peak times so we can produce more homes!
Due to the size of our manufacturing facility, we have been able to store/pre-purchase inventory that others experience shortages in. We also hired new employees in procurement to ensure our clients were not disappointed or delayed due to shortages.
Competitive edge in pricing
No one was prepared for the wrath of Covid on our industry, but we sure were quick to respond and adapt. We chose an approach to make sure our clients always received fair pricing with full transparency and education so they could/can be reassured they were not overpaying. Every month we continue to reprice all of our stock plans based on what the industry materials costs are that month. Sometimes wood would be down, but sheathing and windows were up. We produced a report to educate our clients and our team on this.
We also hired more employees to “shop around” to ensure we are getting the best value on materials. We are a large, small company with buying power – that has worked to our advantage.

It really does amaze me that we created many new full-time positions corporately to adapt to Covid-19 when so many companies had to let people go.
You may be thinking, yes, you can produce the materials, but what about construction?
Builders/Contractors love building with our system; they can be in and out faster and on to the next job and there are fewer delays due to inclement weather. We shave months off the building times as our panels go up in one day and we can be weather tight in as little as 4 weeks! We also have a great network of contractors that give us priority as we send so many builds to them. Lastly, if you are within the construction service radius of our office, we have our own crews that can construct your Timber Block package for you! We continue to hire more trades and more construction and project managers to handle the demand for building.

What is next, what concerns do you have?
I’m still nervous about Covid 19 and a 4th wave?
I want to build in the next 2-4 years, should I be starting now?
I want to build ASAP
I want to be ready to build fast, but I don’t have land yet! I am having a really hard time finding land!
We can help you with all of this. Biggest advice (from my experience and feedback from clients) START NOW!!!! No matter where you fall in the above categories, if you know you want to build you need to start now. The great thing about building with our team is at ANY stage you can put things on hold. You will not be penalized or lose deposits. The building process takes time. Yes, we can fast track; but there are almost always delays – delays that are beyond our control. Permitting and city requirements are the largest ones: delays in surveyors, topographies, townships.
I recommend starting the process now to have us do your lot research to ensure you can build what you want and for the price you can afford. We start the design process, customize your plans, get final package pricing and then head into engineering. After engineering, you decide WHEN you want to build. Want to put things on hold for a year and revisit, no problem. Want to keep moving on and secure your trades and start the permitting process, let’s keep moving. The point is, you are in control 😊
Your home consultant is ready to answer any questions you may have. It is our pleasure to build your dream with you!

Guest blog article by:
Tamara Gould,
One of our top-performing Home Consultants

Ready to chat about your project?